Most people are aware that cities can become quickly congested with traffic. In an instant, multi-lane highways flood with commuters. In a heavily congested area, fender benders often occur. A fender bender car accident can happen in other places as well, such as parking lots and rural roads with winding turns.
Regardless of where the fender bender occurred, drivers have a responsibility to take the right action. This is especially important if they have incurred property damage or injuries.
What are Common Fender Bender Damages?
Typically, fender benders happen at slow speeds, and cars will not be seriously damaged during these types of crashes; however, repairs can still be costly. A brand new vehicle may cost thousands to repair, even if the damage looks minor. Other damages may not be so noticeable, but they can add up fast. A car accident can cause personal items to be damaged, such as phones, gifts, or even groceries.
Are Injuries Common in Fender Benders?
Plenty of people experience a rush of adrenaline and may go into a state of mild shock after a fender bender. What they may not realize is that they have been physically affected by the experience. Even at slower speeds, serious injuries can happen. Whiplash and concussions can occur in a fender bender. Occupants may need medical treatment after a slow-moving crash.
Who Pays for Damages After a Fender Bender?
Drivers who have been in a fender bender will want to call their insurance providers immediately. This allows the insurance provider to open a claim or at least make a note of the incident. Depending on the policy, the driver may receive compensation for property damage from the insurance provider itself, no matter which party was at fault.
Getting compensated for medical problems may be more complicated. Not all insurance policies cover medical treatments. For this reason, many injured drivers and passengers turn to lawyers. A lawyer can explore all aspects of the case and help the victim decide if filing a lawsuit makes sense. Most fender benders can be settled between the drivers’ insurance companies. More extreme cases may require the involvement of an aggressive lawyer with immense car accident experience.
Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyers at Eaton & Torrenzano Work with Various Car Accident Victims
Many fender benders happen in the city. If you were recently involved in a minor car accident, speak to one of our Brooklyn car accident lawyers at Eaton & Torrenzano about your options. For a free consultation, complete our online form or call us at 718-332-7766. Located in Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York, as well as Hillsborough, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, the Bronx, Manhattan, Kings County, and Richmond County.